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Author Topic: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions  (Read 7653 times)

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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« on: October 31, 2011, 02:18:27 pm »
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Howdy folks! As you know, NCFC marked the first Chapter of Chiming Bells. For Chapter 2, I fancied letting ZFGC suggest some things to make allusions about in Chapter 2.

Allusions are references to something. Throughout the Chiming Bells game, you will see many references to the other Zelda games. Like Tingle from Majora's Mask!

So whilst I'm performing bug and quirk fixes, I'm opening up this topic so that ZFGCers can request their favourite characters, items (only as references), etc for Chapter 2! A quick note, the more related to the Water/Ice element of the chapter, the more likely it will get in. Even puzzles can be used as allusions. So literally suggest anything you wish!

Up to 20 references right now shall be accepted. I'd like to make some references myself. For instance, there will be a statue of Queen Ruto. We all know which game she's from ;)

Thanks for reading the topic and I hope to see some interesting suggestions for allusions

(The numbers bolded have been implemented)

Tetiro's Allusions
#41 - Chia will tell Link the Creation of the Triforce. Like the Great Deku Tree told Link in Ocarina of Time
#42-#43 - The Creation of the Triforce's sacred realm is based on the Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past's sacred realm combined
#44 - A statue of Queen Ruto will be in the Frozen Shrine. A reference to Ruto the sage.
#45 - A statue of Queen Rutela will also be in the Frozen Shrine. A reference to Rutela from Twilight Princess.
#46 - The Great Fairy of Water is exactly like the Great Fairies in Wind Waker
#47 - Rodrick announces to Link and Chia he will change the fate of Hyrule on Febuary the 21st, 1986. The date that the first ever Zelda was released.
#48 - In the Mountain Pass, there is a man in a small house who says "I am Error". A reference to Error from Adventure of Link.
#49 - On the way to the Frozen Shrine, you will see a merchant who tells Link about the Frozen Lake. This is Stockwell from Oracle of Ages/Seasons
#50 - In the Frozen Shrine, there is a frozen lake and you can see a frozen Parella, Kikwa and Mogma. The three new races introduced in Skyward Sword
#51 - In the Frozen Peaks outside Frozen Shrine, you'll see Loftwings soaring above the Frozen Shrine on the Day of Farore. Another reference to Skyward Sword
#52 - In the Frozen Shrine great fairy room, there is a wall painting of the Skyloft crest. Once more a reference to Skyward Sword
#53 - In the Mountain Pass, you'll find on the Day of Din an ancient robot playing with the children. A reference to the ancient robot race in Skyward Sword
#54 - In the Mountain Pass, in one of the houses is the Harp Nayru owned. A reference to Oracle of Ages
#55 - Outside the Frozen Shrine is frozen formation shaped like the Four Sword. The sword of the Four Sword trilogy
#56 - There is another frozen formation but this one is in the shape of the Phantom Hourglass
#57 - Another frozen formation. This one is shaped like the train from Spirit Tracks
#58 - The final frozen formation is of Linebeck from Phantom Hourglass
#59 - The character Rodri is one of the last remaining Gerudo. Gerudos are from Ocarina of Time
#60 - The character Kiehs's name is Shiek backwards. Shiek was a character from Ocarina of Time

ZFGC's Allusions
#61  - Miyamoto can be found in the Frozen Capital. None other than the creator of the Zelda series
#62 - Chain Chomps can be found as pets all over the Frozen Capital. They were used in Link's Awakening
#63 - In the Mountain Pass during the Day of Farore in the morning a Keaton may be found
#64 - In the Frozen Capital there is a sick child. He caught a cold catching bugs with his net. A reference to the child in Link To The Past
#65 - In the Mountain Pass there are kids running around the town playing a game of heroes and villains. They reference Valoo and Ganondorf from Wind Waker
#66 - In the Mountain Pass there is sick man with a woman standing near. The woman complains that her uncle was going to annoy a beehive with a stick but a green kid gave him another. This references the Beehive man in Link's Awakening
#67 - In the Frozen Capital, Knuckle who is a brother of Tingle can be found. Another reference to the Tingle appearances
#68 - In the Frozen Shrine, there are wall paintings of the Wind Fish. The same Wind Fish from Link's Awakening
#69 - In the Mountain Pass, there is a Tokay begging for meat. A reference to the Tokeys from Oracle of Ages
#70 - In the Mountain Pass, you can talk to a old woman who talks about a Subrosian Singer. The same one from Oracle of Seasons
#71 - In the Mountain Pass, the is a blue flying cucco. A reference to the Flying Cucco in Link's Awakening
#72 - In the Frozen Capital, there is an old yeti who speaks about the story of a man who travelled between worlds. This is the story of A Link to the Past
#73 - In the Mountain Pass, there is Anju and Kafei. Kafei is from Majora's Mask as is Anju
#74 - In a old house in Mountain Pass, there is a man who talks about a spell that could turn you into a Fairy. He speaks of the Fairy Spell from Adventure of Link. (Little note, this is the sick man)
#75 - In the Mountain Pass, there is a cat chasing a Picori. The Picori are creatures from Minish Cap
#76 - In the Mountain Pass, there is a old man who tells people to stay away from the well due to evil spirits. A reference to the Well from Ocarina of Time
#77 - In the Frozen Capital, there is an old woman who will only give you a potion if you have a license. Similar to what happened in The Legend of Zelda
#78 - In the Mountain Pass, there is a Korok trying to plant a tree. A reference to the Koroks planting trees in Wind Waker
#79 - In the Mountain Pass, there is a dwarf blacksmith. A note to the blacksmiths from Link to the Past
#80 - In the Frozen Shrine, there is a statue of a Picori. The Picori come from Minish Cap
« Last Edit: December 21, 2011, 10:07:58 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2011, 05:21:30 am »
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I'm totally thinking a Miyamoto cameo!
Quote from: some kind of epicness...
Awesome, yes?

Or maybe have someone with a pet chomp on a chain (reference to LA and Mario)?
Quote from: a wise Chomp

OH OH OH! A Keaton should be a secret NPC that hides in a certain spot of bushes!
Quote from: someone trying to be funny..

Note: The quotes are to make pictures viewable only if you want to see them, to keep the thread cleaner. Spoilers don't work for images. :/
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King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2011, 07:14:26 am »
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I'm totally thinking a Miyamoto cameo!
Quote from: some kind of epicness...
Awesome, yes?

Or maybe have someone with a pet chomp on a chain (reference to LA and Mario)?
Quote from: a wise Chomp

OH OH OH! A Keaton should be a secret NPC that hides in a certain spot of bushes!
Quote from: someone trying to be funny..

Note: The quotes are to make pictures viewable only if you want to see them, to keep the thread cleaner. Spoilers don't work for images. :/

All three of your suggestions are fantastic! They shall all be added

Miyamoto will be in the Frozen Capital. The only hylian in the Frozen Capital
The pet chomp will also be found in the Frozen Capital.
Due to the climate of the Frozen Peaks, Keaton won't be there. Instead, he can happily be placed in the Mountain Pass to the Magma Cliff.

You deserve a high five for these suggestions *high five*
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2011, 06:15:31 pm »
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Ok guys, with the Chapter 1 bugs and quirks fixing finally over, I am heavily working on the Chapter 2 development. Though of course I do need ideas for Allusions and References.

So get suggesting!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2011, 07:16:35 pm »
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Does it have to be Zelda references?

Here are some ideas:
-How about adding the sick bug catching kid from alttp who mentions he can't be in bed because "he has to catch them all"? Those kind of references might be fun.
-Or kids running around town or someplace pretending to be pirates talking about the adventures they are having. The talk about traveling the vast ocean and finding a huge red dragon sitting on a mountain and mermaids.
-Maybe add an inventor character that is working on his latest invention which he intents to call "train", but then becomes disheartend because he thinks the idea is dumb and he is better off sticking to his regular work. Talk of a train might fit your game's style really well actually.
-Add one or two characters humming a noticable tune from another games.
-How about a reference to Links Awakening? A young girl is standing next to a bed with a man in it. She mentions it is her uncle and that he was stupid enough to hit a beehive with a stick. She found him doing it before and took his stick away, but some kid in green gave him another one.
-Have you considered adding a kind of tingle character to the game? It doesn't have to be the real tingle. Just one or multible grown men in green suites might be enough. With them telling the player it's all the rage. Or maybe they have there own fairy fanclub or something. It'd be funny if one of them tells you he's a teacher or something during the rest of the week. Making it clear that these guys a just really weird.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2011, 07:24:54 pm »
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Does it have to be Zelda references?

Here are some ideas:
-How about adding the sick bug catching kid from alttp who mentions he can't be in bed because "he has to catch them all"? Those kind of references might be fun.
-Or kids running around town or someplace pretending to be pirates talking about the adventures they are having. The talk about traveling the vast ocean and finding a huge red dragon sitting on a mountain and mermaids.
-Maybe add an inventor character that is working on his latest invention which he intents to call "train", but then becomes disheartend because he thinks the idea is dumb and he is better off sticking to his regular work. Talk of a train might fit your game's style really well actually.
-Add one or two characters humming a noticable tune from another games.
-How about a reference to Links Awakening? A young girl is standing next to a bed with a man in it. She mentions it is her uncle and that he was stupid enough to hit a beehive with a stick. She found him doing it before and took his stick away, but some kid in green gave him another one.
-Have you considered adding a kind of tingle character to the game? It doesn't have to be the real tingle. Just one or multible grown men in green suites might be enough. With them telling the player it's all the rage. Or maybe they have there own fairy fanclub or something. It'd be funny if one of them tells you he's a teacher or something during the rest of the week. Making it clear that these guys a just really weird.

Yes it has to be Zelda reference. The whole point of the Zelda Allusions feature is to highlight the Zelda series.

I do like the idea of the sick Bug Catching boy, same goes for the kids talking about Valoo. I can't have an inventor talking about inventing a train as this comes after Spirit Tracks meaning it wouldn't make sense. I love the idea of the Bee Stung man and his niece. That would be funny. I could add the 3 other Tingle brothers. That would be a great idea!

Well done, another 4 allusions for Chapter 2! Well done martijn!

Keep em coming folks!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2011, 03:48:20 pm »
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How about having the WindFish (LA) passing by at some point
Or a tokay begging for some meat? (OoA)

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2011, 07:16:58 pm »
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How about having the WindFish (LA) passing by at some point
Or a tokay begging for some meat? (OoA)

Making the Windfish fly by may be too difficult to sprite but having a painting of the windfish is easy. The windfish will be in! As will the tokay.

Keep the allusions coming folks!
  • Phoenix Heart

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2011, 02:00:12 pm »
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Ok peeps! We need to pick up the pace on suggestions! I need to start working on the Mountain Pass which requires the allusions list to be finished so I know what I'm adding
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2011, 05:59:07 pm »
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eh, have someone mention a subrosian singer. ( OoS )
a cucco that actually flys ( LA )
Have a storyteller mention a hero that travels between time ( ALttP / OoT )
Something about a couple with problems meeting/getting married (MM )
Mention an ancient magic that could transform people into fairies (TAoL)
Have an old grumpy men talk about his yought when he was the fastest one around ( Oot )


King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2011, 08:51:56 pm »
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1. eh, have someone mention a subrosian singer. ( OoS )
2. a cucco that actually flys ( LA )
3. Have a storyteller mention a hero that travels between time ( ALttP / OoT )
4. Something about a couple with problems meeting/getting married (MM )
5. Mention an ancient magic that could transform people into fairies (TAoL)
6. Have an old grumpy men talk about his yought when he was the fastest one around ( Oot )

1. There was a subrosian singer???
2. Love it! It shall be in the Mountain Pass
3. Good idea! I'll be making it about the ALttP story
4. Can't do that one but Kafei can be in it
5. I like that idea. It's gentle and so would require effort to find
6. Based on the fact the game is after Spirit Tracks, this would be a bit too hard to implement
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2011, 12:26:20 pm »
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1 yes

remember that when you are in subriosia some subrosians mention that a famous singer is late. Later on you meet her, she opens the gates between some parts of the map and has you dig for something.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2011, 12:43:39 pm »
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1 yes

remember that when you are in subriosia some subrosians mention that a famous singer is late. Later on you meet her, she opens the gates between some parts of the map and has you dig for something.

Ok fair enough! 5 more allusions to the list!

Only another 6 more allusions left to suggest! Come on folks! You can do it
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 12:46:06 pm by King Tetiro »
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2011, 03:58:46 pm »
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Have a goron metion an upcomming race ( MM )
have old people keep kids away from a well because of the evil spirits that live in it ( Oot )
Let someone say that you need a licence to get a potion ( zelda 1 )
a picture of a korok planting a forest ( WW )
a smith that wonders where his help went ( alttp )

.. kinda out of ideas now.

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2011, 04:27:18 pm »
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1. Have a goron metion an upcomming race ( MM )
2. have old people keep kids away from a well because of the evil spirits that live in it ( Oot )
3. Let someone say that you need a licence to get a potion ( zelda 1 )
4. a picture of a korok planting a forest ( WW )
5. a smith that wonders where his help went ( alttp )

.. kinda out of ideas now.

1. I like that idea. I won't be putting it in this chapter. It's more befitting for the Fire Chapter with the Goron village
2. I love that idea. It's clever so will be done!
3. A clever idea. It's in!
4. Which korok are you talking about?
5. Not sure I understand
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2011, 05:48:27 pm »
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4. eh does it matter which one? In WW after that specific dungeon the koroks fly out to grow new trees.

5 In a link to the past one of your sword upgrades is done by a dwarf weaponsmith, after you find ( and return )his employee that got lost and got turned into a frog looking creature in the dark world.


King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2011, 06:10:24 pm »
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4. eh does it matter which one? In WW after that specific dungeon the koroks fly out to grow new trees.

5 In a link to the past one of your sword upgrades is done by a dwarf weaponsmith, after you find ( and return )his employee that got lost and got turned into a frog looking creature in the dark world.

4 - Oh now that I can do. Easy peasy

5 - Now that makes sense.

All 5 suggestions will be added. There's only 1 slot left people!
  • Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #17 on: November 11, 2011, 09:35:59 pm »
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seems like there arent that many with ideas around here.

got a few more ideas, I'd say pick the best one out of them

Someone collecting ancient swordattack scrolls ( MC )
a small statue of a picori ( MC )
a cat chasing a picori ( MC )
A few barrels of (Lon Lon) Milk (OoT)
a fish display with the name Jabu Jabu

King Tetiro

Leader of Phoenix Heart
Re: Looking for some suggestions for Allusions
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2011, 10:14:30 pm »
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Thanks for all the suggestions people! We now have the next 40 allusions for the game.

If anyone can design decent dungeons, please could they help me design the Frozen Shrine. It needs good puzzles
  • Phoenix Heart
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