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Author Topic: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate  (Read 13696 times)

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[pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« on: October 14, 2007, 08:28:54 pm »
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Eons ago, before the land of hyrule existed, there was chaos. Thus the 3 golden godesses decended upon the chaos, and brought harmony to the world. This is the legend that has been past down for generations on end. But the chaoss fought back against the godesses, and it seemed that the chaos would pevail over the light. Until the godesses, in a final attempt to banish the chaos, they called upon the most ancient of arts, and sealed the chaos inside of a black triangle. With their work complete, the godesses took the chaos to the heavens and placed a seal upon it's prison with a mark, Power to hold the seal, Wisdom to bind the seal, and courage to bear the seal.
Thus It would remain for many years, until the chaos broke loose...

In Link's village it is a custom that when a boy comes of age he is given a sword and enters the temple of passage to get the Orb of Passage.  But when he goes into the temple he finds it infested with monsters.  Now link must forfill his destiny as the true keeper of the triforce of Courage and undertake a story that dates back to the very beginning of Hyrule.  So old that almost no one knows it exists.  Can Link Save the world from the incarnation of evil before chaos once again consumes the land's?  And it definatly wont be easy because the very goddeses that carved the world almost failed against it.

Aque: A traveling Zora, she enjoys living on the edge of life (she has a pet chu chu named huggles that should be proof enough.)
Beadle:A Merchant, he enjoys comming up with new ways to get customers.
Bow:Rosa's Daughter, like her mother she has a large Red Bow, but she also seems to have lost it.
Carrow: Rina's Father, he is a guard in Hyrule Castle
Dargia:King of the Gorons, his memory is not what it used to be.
Dark Link: A shadow of Link, his motives are unknown (unavalible to the public)
Dethyl: Rizar's General of Fear, he wishes to exact his revenge upon a past Link.  So he'll just make do with the current one.
Ganondorf: Holder of the Triforce of Power, unlike his predicesors he appears to have no real intention of conquering Hyrule (yah right)
Huggles: Aque's Pet Chuchu.  It enjoys being hugged, and shocking people, and has a habit of always getting lost.
Link: The Hero of Hyrule, and holder of the Triforce of Courage
Kyria: Rina's Mother, she is the supplier of all explosives in Kakariko Village (No one else can be trusted enough).  Her Husband is also a guard at Hyrule Castle.
Majora:Rizar's General of Desire, after being sent back behind the Gate hundreds of years earlier by a previous Link, he is just dying to get the chance to rip the current one limb from limb.
Maple: The Witch in training, she is constantly off running errands for her grandmother Syrup.  She gives assistance to anyone who gives her magic mushrooms.
Phanton: An Ancient Keaton Chief, so old that he's a ghost.  But he hasn't lost his razor edge (neither has his sword)
Rina: The Village Damsel, she is constantly getting into trouble.  When Link saves her from some monsters, she falls head over heals for him, and declares that she will marry him
Rizar: The Chaos, currently incarnated in a human form, he is the very defintion of evil... want proof?  Without him Ganon could not exist. He is the very reason that a tainted person can even touch the Triforce and the reason the triforce exists in the first place (it's his prison).
Rosa: The Star of the Subrosians, she sports a red bow, a skelaton key, and a husband that owns the Subrosian Ship Co. ( the ones that get Subrosians from one part of Subrosia to another {Lava Sailors})]
Sincala:  An ancient elder (127 years old).  He knows of Rizar's Gate and tells link where to create the Shaft of Life
Smith: Kakariko Village's Best Blacksmith, he is also the son of the towns mayor.  His wish is to one day create an item that will be remembered for all time
Syrup: Maples Grandmother and Hyrules Best(i.e. Only) witch.  People come from far and wide to try her potions and find cures for things that are bothering them.  She often wishes that her grandaughter would be more responsible.  In her youth, she had a relationship with Kakariko villages mayor, but it never got serious.
Tingle: Tingle? Certinatly not that sad excuse for a navigator.  But none the less Tingle is back with all his frusturating glory and his magic words (you know what I'm talking about).
Vatii: Yes... Vatii, or rather his true spirit, Rizar's General of Neglect.  Centuries ago he possesed a Minish apprentice, turning him evil.  Now that that body has been sealed away, all he wants is to destroy all that ever stood in his masters way.  And guess who's number one on his hit list... Link.
Yez'keth:  He is most powerful Hylain soucerer that ever lived.  Well he was, he's dead, but fortunatly he's a poe so you can learn from his wisdom.  He is also Sincala's great, great, great, great, great, great, great Grandfather.
Zelda: Her Royal Highness Zelda Daphnes Hyrule CXXVI, The Princess of Hyrule, and holder of the Triforce of Wisdom.
Demonblade: A master swordsman who teaches link his new techniques througout his adventure. He has a horrid scar going down his left eye and is considered a demon among master swordsman and weak swordsman alike.

Temple of Passage
Miniboss: Armored Screw: Nejite
Boss: Switch Sphere: Ryorb
Weapon: Boomerang- Throw it and it will come back to you, no matter what.  It will also pick up any small items it collides with along the way
Song: Passage of the Heart- a song who's tune reminds the listener of their true home.
Species: Hylian- The only species in Hyrule capable of easily using magic.  They are characterized by their pointed ears

Darkwind Marsh
Miniboss: Dark Seed: Sporz
Boss: Thorned Beast: Platinac
Weapon: Palm Fan- a fan crafted from large leaves and enchanted with the powers of the Goddess, Farore.  When it is swung, it releases a powerful gale of wind.  Charge it up and it can fire miniture tornados.
Song: Undergrowth Refrain- A cheary little tune that encourages the growth of plants. 
Species: Deku Scrub- Just like in MM they can fly off of flowers, also they are capable of firing out Deku Nuts.  But being a plant they burn faster than paper

Granite Cavern
Miniboss: Stone Golem:----
Boss: Giant Lizard: King Dorongo
Weapon: Giants Hammer- A big hammer that can crush: Rocks, enemies, and switches.  The only catch is that you can't use the sword or sheild while it is equipted.
Song: Cry of the Earth- A song that seems to echo in the very soil beneath your feat.
Species: Goron- A rock based species that is gifted with insane strength, slight heat resistance,  and to dig with their bare hands.  However they are incapable of swimming and sink like a stone.

Lakeside Ruins
Miniboss: Chuchuge
Boss: Aquatic Ameoba: Morpha
Weapon: Urchin Staff- A mace crafted from a special water animal.  When magic is pushed though it any water near it will surround it like a bubble and can then be launched, or if there is no water right near it then the spikes will increase in size
Song: Tide of Echos- A song depicting of the flow of the ocean.
Species: Zora- a decendant of fish, Zoras can swim with great ease and work well on both land and water, they have sharp blade like fins on their arms.  They can't tolerate lightning.

Ancient Tomb
Miniboss: Haunted Hags: Poe Sisters
Boss: -----
Weapon: Spirit Lanturn- Use it to light up rooms and torches.  But it also attracts ghosts
Song: March of the Grave
Species: Poe- the deceased of the Land, Poes are ghosts, so as a result they can pass through certian solid objects, posess statues, and see that which would be invisible to others.  But being creatures of the night, light could kill them... again.

Warriors Gate
Miniboss: -----
Boss: Ancient Warrior:Tribal Elder
Weapon: Reelshot- The latest incarnation of the Hookshot, with spring loaded pump action and self retraction its the most up to date model yet
Song: Call to Arms
Species: Keaton- Sword weilding foxes which, as they get older, tend to gain a great deal of knowladge and tails.  They are quite agile but lack defence.  Out of all of the species, none hold a grudge against Rizar as great as theirs.  Using their fur, they can generate an electric field around their bodies, esetially turning them into walking magnets.  Water can short circut the charge unfortunatly.

Magma Ridge
Miniboss: Fire Viper: Pyrasp
Boss: -----
Weapon: Firestorm Hammer- An upgraded version of the Giants Hammer.  It now can break things frozen solid.
Song: Mantle Flow
Speices: Subrosian- A race of hooded creatures living below the surface, their very lives are fueled by magma.  So they have adapted to survive any amount of heat, but have no method of attacking.  Possibly the longest living race in all of the land, as long as they have heat and metal they can't die. 

Frozen Tunnel
Miniboss: -----
Boss: -----
Weapon: Ice Rod
Song: Icicle Choral
Speices: Yukinow- Once believed to have died out in the last great battle.  Some important features are that: they have large feet to help walk in deep snow, and can absorb energy from objects through their hands and feet (a lot easier through the hands) and then release it thorugh vents on their arms; allowing them to freeze things on contact.  An almost opposite of Subrosians, they live in the high mountians and can survive in even sub zero tempatures. 

Granite Den
Miniboss: Goddess Shadow: Din
Boss: Crazed Deamon: Majora
Weapon: -----
Song: ----
Species: None

Malestrom Pit
Miniboss: Goddess Shadow: Nayru
Boss: Storm Phantom: Vaati
Weapon: -----
Song: ----
Species: None

Jungle Wilds
Miniboss:Goddess Shadow: Farore
Boss: Dark Nightmare: Dethyl
Weapon: -----
Song: ----
Species: None

Chaos Pinacle
Miniboss: Shadow Warrior: Dark Link
Boss: Ancient Chaos God: Rizar
Weapon: -----
Song: -----
Species: None

Everyone knows about the triforce, but what about the curses placed upon its pieces by Rizar?
Power: corrupted by Desire, the reason why Ganon seaks to rule all
Wisdom: corrupted by Neglect, the reason Zelda always overlooks small details untill the last minute
Courage: corrupted by Fear, but just barly

Weapons (aside from sword, sheild and level weapons)
Bombs- Throw them and they blow up
Bow- Fire out arrows with pinpoint accuracy
Deku Nuts- Break them open and temporaly freeze opponents
Deku Sticks- Made from Deku Baba stems, these staffs can be used as torches or for fighting (be careful they can break)
Ocarina- Play a tune on this instument and watch what happens.
Roc's Feather- Makes you like as a feather and gives you the ability to jump
Shaft of Life- Main weapon, allows you to change form (only on octogons)(only once you've collected the respective elements.) (a.k.a. Deku link is back)

Other Items
Deku Leaf- it increases the distance of your Roc's Feather by allowing you to glide in the air
Pegasus Boots- They let you run like the wind

Other Features

Subquests:  Info Comming Soon

Not for a while

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« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 11:29:55 pm by SubrosianDimitri »
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 09:48:01 pm »
  • You got the Master Sword!
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wierd...oh whens a demo or screnies gona come out

Come hither o traveler... I sing ye a song yet so melancholy, my voice speaketh the epitaph of darkness.Come into my world young Hylian.Darkest apocalypse hour approaches...Awaken from thy slumber whilst destiny's dreaming of ye soul. Dost thou haveith the time to end thy slumber? Lest thee interfere with my plan, death shall find ye!My mask sees the beginning is the end...I am Majora!
  • zfgc
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2007, 10:57:47 pm »
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not for a long time
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2007, 12:32:44 am »
  • Don't Worry Sir, I'm From The Internet.
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I can't wait to see pictures...I guess. What style is this in...LTTP,GB,MC...LOZ?
Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2007, 01:03:04 am »
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MC style


Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2007, 12:59:38 am »
There's a suttle smell of suck in the air....

but seriously this game sounds stupid. Makes Ganon look like a puppy >_>
Rizar corrupted the triforce... main this idea was made with phail.
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2007, 01:08:39 am »
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what you think the triforce is perfect?  If it was then how is Gannon Evil?  Wouldn't the Triforce purify him then?  Besideds why would the triforce be made in the first place?  If there isn't a reason then why would it exist. 
« Last Edit: October 23, 2007, 01:10:32 am by SubrosianDimitri »
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #7 on: October 23, 2007, 08:57:20 pm »
  • I need something new to put here...
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what you think the triforce is perfect?  If it was then how is Gannon Evil?  Wouldn't the Triforce purify him then?  Besideds why would the triforce be made in the first place?  If there isn't a reason then why would it exist. 

1. The Gods made it.
2. because he is a dark Gerudo thief with a lot of greed.
3. No, In OoT it says that if a man with an evil mind finds the triforce Hyrule will become a barren wasteland or something to that effect.
4. To grant the man who finds it their wish, and it seems that the hero must blessed with the triforce of courage
5. There is!
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2007, 12:16:04 am »
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You spelled inspiration wrong...

It sounds odd, also a large task. Are you sure you are up to it? Do you have a team?
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #9 on: October 24, 2007, 12:36:12 am »
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what you think the triforce is perfect?  If it was then how is Gannon Evil?  Wouldn't the Triforce purify him then?  Besideds why would the triforce be made in the first place?  If there isn't a reason then why would it exist. 

1. The Gods made it.
2. because he is a dark Gerudo thief with a lot of greed.
3. No, In OoT it says that if a man with an evil mind finds the triforce Hyrule will become a barren wasteland or something to that effect.
4. To grant the man who finds it their wish, and it seems that the hero must blessed with the triforce of courage
5. There is!
1. The god's did not make it... the Godesses made it
2. Why do you think he has the greed
3. Why would the godesses create somthing that could destroy their work?
4. Thus is the curse placed upon it
5. No
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2007, 01:52:49 am »
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You spelled inspiration wrong...

It sounds odd, also a large task. Are you sure you are up to it? Do you have a team?
No we dont have a team  :'(
you could help us if you want. (only two people involved and both use this account)

I have too much on my hands right now. Maybe make a recruitment topic. Also, if you both use the same account, watch out. You double posted. Probably the first post was made with one of the two users and the other with the second user. Just don't do it again. Even better, get your own account. :)


Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2007, 01:57:21 am »
what you think the triforce is perfect?  If it was then how is Gannon Evil?  Wouldn't the Triforce purify him then?  Besideds why would the triforce be made in the first place?  If there isn't a reason then why would it exist. 

1. The Gods made it.
2. because he is a dark Gerudo thief with a lot of greed.
3. No, In OoT it says that if a man with an evil mind finds the triforce Hyrule will become a barren wasteland or something to that effect.
4. To grant the man who finds it their wish, and it seems that the hero must blessed with the triforce of courage
5. There is!
1. The god's did not make it... the Godesses made it
2. Why do you think he has the greed
3. Why would the godesses create somthing that could destroy their work?
4. Thus is the curse placed upon it
5. No
1. Oh my god your right! Cause you know Gods and goddessess are completely different [/sarcasm]
2. Do you not read he's !@#$% evil.
3. Because why would they make something if not everyone was able to use it.
4. Thus you phail.
5. Yes.


Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2007, 02:13:36 am »
You spelled Characters wrong... just pointing that out :P

Good job so far, I'm looking forward to see how this project will turn out.
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #13 on: December 12, 2007, 12:29:57 am »
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I know it's been a long time since my last post but I've been working on a lot of stuff which I have chosen to reveal all at once including about 10 charachters and some items.
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #14 on: December 12, 2007, 12:45:29 am »
  • Don't Worry Sir, I'm From The Internet.
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Hey, nice sprites! I'm sorry if everyone seemed so...mad or whatever. It's just that when you have no real work to show it exudes 'suttle smell of suck in the air....' (although I would have spelled it subtle >_>) So maybe you cost post a screenshot or two, guarentee you will get more posts on this even if they are just mock-ups.
Grimace is the demiurge, the creator. From him all things in McDonaldland have sprung. He is not a sin, he's not a menu item, he's just Grimace. He exists. He rolls his lidless eyes and flaps his lipless mouth, formless and terrible, a protean idiot thing from the depths of pre-history.
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #15 on: December 12, 2007, 02:12:52 am »
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It's alright.  So anyways Medallions...
they are the equivilent to Rings from OOS/OOA and Masks from MM.
Every one of them has a different power and you can only have one active at a time.  Only Smith can change the one you are using by removing and placing them in this:

The Medallion Holder (Temporary Name)
There are also Four types of medallions:
Platinum Medallions: They are required to beat the game (like the golden kin stones from MC)
(ex. Regal Medallion- Obtained from Princess Zelda, it gives you axcess to the royal crypt in the graveyard)
Golden Medallions: that are obtained through Extensive Sidequests, they have the best effects
(ex. Rupee Medallion- Obtained From Tingle, it not only increases your chances of finding rupees but lowers prices at stores by 10%)
Silver Medallions: Created from the remains of Metal Beasts, their effects relate to the enemy that they were created from. (ex. Spitters Medallion- Obtained from Metal Octorok, it increases the power of your ranged weapons by (Half a heart more)
Bronze Medallions:You Obtain these under special conditions when you talk to charachters, they either give you temporary (as long as that medallion is equipted) axcess to an area or have a small reduction effect (ex. Ripple Medallion: Obtained From Aque after resucing Huggles, Lowers the damage you recieve from falling in water by a quarter heart)

Metal Beasts
With the large release of life energies, the very souls of different enemies have been brough to life in metalic (most likely murcury) bodies.  By slaying one, and putting their remains in a bottle, you can obtain A silver Medallion.
This includes:
Pols Voice
« Last Edit: December 13, 2007, 02:31:57 am by SubrosianDimitri »
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #16 on: December 14, 2007, 12:41:47 am »
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By the way every song is taught to you by a different person (wow that was random).
Ganondorf actually helps you at one point in time.
And One Miniboss doesn't even want to hurt you
« Last Edit: December 16, 2007, 10:48:43 pm by LegacyoftheOracles »
Link: "Who put the ape in Apricot? What've they got that I ain't got?
Ganon: "Courage?"

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Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #17 on: December 17, 2007, 12:40:22 am »
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If anyone wants to apply for the project Its up on the recruitment board
Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #18 on: December 17, 2007, 07:32:55 am »
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And bonus points for anyone who can tell me what I wrote on this
Link: "Who put the ape in Apricot? What've they got that I ain't got?
Ganon: "Courage?"

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Re: [pre] Legend of Zelda: Rizar's Gate
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2007, 07:35:39 am »
  • ^Not actually me.
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And bonus points for anyone who can tell me what I wrote on this

:P pretty easy to find out XD
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