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What should be in the next build?

A functioning sample map
some new items
npc interaction and AI
basic physics demo
other (please specify)

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Author Topic: [DEMO]Sword of Divination(11/5/2010 Harvest Engine Functioning!)  (Read 82406 times)

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[DEMO]Sword of Divination(11/5/2010 Harvest Engi...
« on: December 17, 2006, 03:11:40 pm »
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Hyrule, the land of the Gods, home of the Master Sword and the world that the Sacred Realm resides in.  It's here that many battles have taken place, where countless times blood has been shed in the name of the Golden Power.  It's in this world that the Hero's legacy lives on the breath of the Wind and in the Legends deep within its temples.  But this Legend doesn't tell of Hyrule, but a country not far from its borders.  A country that's roamed by humans, dragons and other creatures alike called Doragon.  But unlike Hyrule, this country cannot defend against evil.  It houses no hero to combat the corrupt empire that towers over it.  It's the 10th year since the empire grew evil and only now does a hero show, a dormant hero from the land of the Gods.


[U R L=http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=11797.0][I M G]http://crystalrook.sitesled.com/promo%20copy.jpg[/img][/URL] (Just remove the spaces from URL and IMG

Debug dump as requested is added.  For the people it crashed for, run the engine and send me back the debug.dbg file that's created.  I'll pick it apart and see what's going on.  I tried it on a computer at school, and it seems to be caused by resources not loading properly on all machines.


I need some testing done.  All I need you to do is walk around, I'm looking for image tearing on
the background and any other graphic bugs.  There's been some major overhauls made on somethings, but you won't really notice them.  WASD to walk, post your specs with your


Also, I'll note that there are no hitboxes or boundaries in the map running, so you can just
walk through everything.  It's not a glitch.  When you start the exe, you'll see a few seconds of white, then the title screen.  Hit enter to start the map up.


New screenshot of the "Seedling Grove."

So uhh..I've made progress.  Lots of progress.  LIKE THIS HARDCORE FINISHED MAP FORMAT.

Also, there's a Zelda talking to you.

More of the map.

This ones a bit of a milestone, I think.  This is the first ingame screenshot running on the Harvest Engine.  This map was not hardcoded into the game.  It's being read completely from a custom map file format and runs at the full 50fps.

I've just finished optimizing the graphics engine and working out the bugs, as such I'm releasing another public build.  You won't see much difference from the last build, but I need to see how performance has improved with my changes.  Anyone who had speed issues before should notice an increase in framerate.  So, on that note, I've added a poll to figure out what to put in the next build.  Please remember to install the VC++ 08 runtime if you haven't already.



known issues:
Player gets a little stuck on collisions.
The engine may crash when filling/emptying the magic meter (shift/enter)
the screen snaps back to the origin when it regains focus or resizes.

Please get back to me on performance.

4sword: a good chunk of my walking engine

It looks like my webhost is still down, which means all my screenshots are useless =_= In the market for a new one.  Anyway!
Just finished writing the reader for my custom map format as well as the map editor.  There's not much left to do on the core engine.  All that's left there is to make the maps playable,  and update the AI and the phyiscs.  After that, I'll just have some weapons left to work on and then I can actually get this thing going.
Engine progress: lets say..90%?
overall progress: still lingering at the 2% mark

I've started working on a map editor for myself that I'll of course be releasing with the engine.
It's very primitive at this point and can't do much, but it's coming along.

Build 5 released!  This should show some progress since the last build, namely the boomerang,
the bombs, audio, and the HUD.  I also need some feedback on how everything looks and runs.
I'm expecting it to run about the same as it did last time, but I'll ask for some details on that
anyway.  As last time, give me your system specs and how well it runs.  Also, any comments on HUD design or anything like that is appreciated.  Controls are in the readme file.

C++ runtime: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9B2DA534-3E03-4391-8A4D-074B9F2BC1BF&displaylang=en

Progress update!!  I've added a bunch of things since the last update:
boomerang (has a few bugs)
iron boots (only lowers speed, no water based stuff yet)
window scrolling (almost finished, need to get the HUD moving)
collision detection

I plan on getting some audio in here soon as well (.mid, .ogg and .wav).  I'm thinking..expect
the next build in a month or two?  Yea, that sounds good.  You can all throw apples at me
if I don't release it in time.

I thought you all might like this little blurb...This is one of the few things Link will ever say.

C+C on the textbox please?  Fancy design on the back of it from SeleneHeart's (from DA) photoshop brushpack.

The first build is now released.  It's just a walking and tiling engine, but I need to see how things are running on other machines.  So, if you're a visual C++ 2008 user, please give this a try.

Extract the Harvest Engine folder directly to your c drive.  The exe is in the release folder.
Credit to Hoffy for the tiles used.  Arrow keys to move, press enter to kill the kirby sprite.
You'll also need the C++ runtime, which you can find here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=9B2DA534-3E03-4391-8A4D-074B9F2BC1BF&displaylang=en
I'll be including this in future builds.

Please report back to me with your cpu usage, memory usage, about how fast it runs for you, your specs, and any problems/glitches you run into.  Also, your operating system.

Tilesheets are now supported =D

Just using a small lttp sheet to show that it works.  Still have to work that transparency there.  Also, I'm planning on releasing a small test build of the engine.  Once I've gotten some method of limiting the fps that is, heheh.  Expect something soon though.

Figured it's time for an update on the Engine progress.  Everything's going smoothly.
Graphics Engine - functional, but needs work still.  .PNG needs support.  I'm open to suggestions for openGL libraries for it =)
Sound Engine - functional, but more than likely going to be rewritten.
Physics Engine - Incomplete, less than 30% finished
AI - complete
Base Entity classes - complete
Player class- functional, 10% complete
base NPC class - complete, testing
basic NPC - 60% complete, testing completed parts

Here's a screen...gotta love that kirby, right guys?

C++ development has started.  I got sick of GM.  REALLY sick of it.  The game will be running under the Harvest Engine, an engine I've recently started developing which is coming along nicely.  Screens will be posted when something looks good.

Oh cool, two screenshits.  No, not screenshots, screenshits.  Because they're shitty.  The area that I'm showing is horribly incomplete (due to tiles that have yet to be made, and the area is just huge),  but I haven't shown anything in a month.  So, here is the peak of Windfall Mountain.  Yea, the same Windfall that was in Wind Waker.

Honestly, I didn't even want to show these yet because they're so early in production.  I'm planning to have the opening of the game start off here, so there will be some things for you to do here.  I'm including in it:
A cave or two with some stuff to do
Brief side quests
Things to actually make your rupees worth getting (shops, minigames, etc)
and some more stuff

No screenshots (yet) but I'm mapping out quite a bit area atm.  That I will have screenshots for you shortly I hope. (oh some update this is, m i rite?)

I've got a new screenie and some gameplay info.

Yes, I have been spriting my ass off.  Anyway, this is the electromagnetic arrow (the arrow sprite is off the screen already.)
This is an example of the "pairings" you can make.  Certain items can be paired with the forces, essences and entities you find in the
first 3 dungeons.  In this case for example, the force of electromagnetism is being paired with the arrows, giving them the property of
well..electromagnetism.  Physics objects in the room will be attracted or repelled in relation to the arrow's position.  This could be useful to you, say when you get iron boots, giving you the ability to launch yourself across the room.

Oh look, it's a new title screen! In the new resolution!  How awesome!  C+C?

and I should probably mention that the light in the background slowly pulsates in game.

Lessee, the new resolution will be 320x240, the same that Shadowgazer is using.  I don't have any screenshots currently, but I'm gonna get to work on a new title screen and such.

Considering the last poll was at a standstill, i've done a new one between the two that tied.  If I get no results or another tie within 2 days, I'll make the choice myself.

I've put up a poll for the game's resolution.  The options have the resolution and a game here on ZFGC using that resolutuon for a reference.  I've left an other option as well, if you choose that then please specify in a post.

My hosting is down, so the screenshots all went to !@#$% along with the old demo..Anyway, new webhost for now.

Demo 2
the demo and mp3 pack (not really a pack this time..) are both available here.  Extract everything in the rar to a folder, if you choose to use the mp3 pack, extract those to the same folder.

First off, it's just a walking demo.  It's just to show the BASIC phyiscs I have working.  It's one room with some stuff you can push around by walking into it and by using force magic.  There's also a treasure chest which I think some of you may find kind of entertaining..

WASD - move
Z - gravity magic
X - electro magic
C - teleportation
E - teleport (after using C)
V - action (open treasure chest)
spacebar - scroll text

changes from last demo
alternate title music.  Either this one or the old one will play, it'll be completely random which one plays when you start.
New cursor engine, follows the mouse perfectly and has different sprites for each spell.
Teleportation magic responds properly every time you use it
Objects like jars and rocks can be moved around by walking into them
Acceleration and Deceleration
Sword was taken out for now, it's not needed nor is it complete >.<

Please report any bugs to me guys, I can't find them all and I know there's going to be quite a bit that I missed. >.>  And please make sure you keep the mouse cursor in the window, i've already gotten complains about people who can't find the cursor for the magic because they don't put the mouse in the game window.
Credits at the bottom

The demo is finished, I'm just working out a few kinks.

I'm requesting an assistant physics programmer to solve this current issue I'm having.  I don't think it's more of a physics problem than something else completley bizarre.  Anyway, see this thread for details: http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=24470.0

Progress update: I have NO idea what to do for the next demo to show what I've got going with the current physics.  I'm thinking of just making a simple walking demo with some phys objects you'll be able to play around with a bit.  I'm also having a slight difficulty getting things to be able to be pushed around, once that's out of the way my ass will belong to making the demo room.

WHAT?? THIS IS STILL HERE??? WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!! ....Yea, anyway, I added a new screenshot and i'm planning a new demo.  Nothing has gotten done since the last update so I need catch up with myself and rewrite some code and fix the physics I added.

I've uploaded a screenshot of the new cursor engine..well...uhh..you'll only be able to see the sprite i've used.

it's a bit pixelated but you won't notice that in game since it spins.  There's also different colors for each force, red for grav, blue for electro, green for magic.  They also glow when they first appear.  This room won't be in the final game btw.

wow been a while...I'm releasing a demo today.  It was originally made for Z3 but since we have no idea whats up with that, i'm releasing it now.

demo 1: http://crystalrook.sitesled.com/sword_of_divination_demo1.rar
demo 1 mp3 pack (optional, but I recommend it..plus I need feedback on the music): http://crystalrook.sitesled.com/sodmp3pack.rar
Instructions:  Just extract the mp3s to whatever folder the .exe is in
missing sound file: http://crystalrook.sitesled.com/ancienthero.mp3
Save this in the same folder as the .exe  It'll fix the error you get when opening the game.


there are 3 dungeons in this demo showing the basics of the forces of power.  It's pretty shitty physics and the engine still needs some work, but what can I say?  It's the first demo.  I've left some rooms fast and others slow, I want you guys to tell me which you prefer.  I've also updated the cursor engine since I finished the demo, you'll see that in the next demo.  For now you'll have to deal with the slow, annoying, shitty version.

WASD: move
shift: sword (not really used)
E: Action Button
point cursor: mouse

Forces of power are explained in the game.  Credits will be up soon, I gotta get the names together still

One last thing, the demo is still lttp style...the final game will be ZFGC style

nothing new, i've got a question fer ya.  Would you guys prefer me to continue this in Game Maker or learn openGL and make it in C++?  Keep some things in mind, Game Maker gives everything I need except for well...the power that C++ provides, while C++ will require me to learn openGL and find a sound API, but will also give me time to develop the story and whatnot more.

As i've said before, there will be mp3s for the music as opposed to MIDIs.  I myself didnt make these, I only took MIDIs from vgmusic and whatnot and put em through Fruity Loops.  Anyway, here are 2 samples of what i've come out with.


New screenshots with the lttp tiles.  See below them for some more gameplay info.

the opening story.  Kinda plain, might add more later.  Credit to TRW for the text engine and Seleneheart of DA for the textbox design brushes.

Link's house, second floor.  Also a bit plain, but as you can see by the second bed, he's not living alone :O!

And part of Hyrule Castle Town, namely the northern part

I'm straying a bit from the norm as far as gaining main items goes.  Where in oot you got medallions and in mm you got masks, here you'll get objects related to the gods of hyrule and doragon.  But it'll be a bit different, as each will be made up of multiple items that you will gain throughout the dungeon and then one from the boss to bind them all together.  I'm also allowing some of these items to be used in combat.  For example, one of the forces of power will be the force of electromagnetism.  Creating electromagnetic fields and changing the charge of certain objects could be very useful to you.  In addition, some of the abilities of the items will be able to be bound to weapons, for example the forces of power can be applied to arrows.  In this case, you could bind electromagnetism to it, don your iron boots and fire an arrow and get launched with it.  Of course there are other forces to be used, but of course you'll have to wait until I decide to reveal those.

I will leave you with a teaser of sorts:  Forces, entities, essences and souls.

What type of physics would you like to see?  We have so far..
forces (applied, friction (static and kinetic), weight, net)
speed and velocity
heat and pressure (still figuring out how to put these to use, but it sounds interesting)

Recently i've become REDICULOUSLY interested in Physics.  I'm not talkin' hl2 physics, i'm talkin' like...real physics.  I'm planning on adding some to the game to enhance the game play.  Things such as friction, inertia, acceleration, forces, gravity, net force, weight etc.  I've got the real-life equations for this stuff, so figuring out how to apply it should be the only tough part.

The fourth legend in the Royal Family's chronicles, passed down through Doragon's people.  Some may even call it a prophecy.  On the night the moon shines red in the light of twilight, when the gale of the desert reaches the plains, and when the smell of ash is in the air, one of the three harbingers of the Gods will show and with him, he will bear with him their false message.  A message that will blanket Doragon in darkness and take over its people.  And when the country reaches its darkest hour that not even the sword forged with divine steel cannot cut through alone, a hero will show also bearing witness of the message of the Gods that will part the darkness and shine the light of the sun on Doragon once again.

i'm unsure at the moment of the style, i'm leaning towards editing minish cap sprites a bit.  I'm also not sure if i'm going to do this in GM or challenge myself and go for C++.

edit: and again, i'm unsure at the moment as to whats going on with masks of time and death.  I'm still waiting for my friend to give me the boss designs he made a few years ago so I can get crackin'

edit2: got a title screen goin.  bg made with terraingen and edited w/ photoshop, everything else in photoshop.  gotta do somethin' about that damn green outline though..

edit3: I fixed the transparancy on the text.  Looks sooo much better now.  I've removed the border since it was bothering me, but it'll probably be back later on.

title theme: DarkeSword
Text Engine: TRW (if someone knows how to fix that transparency problem, please say so)
text box stuff: selene Heart
Sprites and Tiles: ZFGC
I think that's it...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2010, 05:24:58 pm by MG-Zero »

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2006, 04:16:08 am »
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Nice resolution. The first HD game on ZFGC? :D
the a o d c
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2006, 04:11:18 pm »
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=)  If there\'s one thing I like about PSP, it\'s the resolution and therefore I\'m using it

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Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2006, 04:38:55 pm »
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Nice resolution. The first HD game on ZFGC? :D

Third. I have a couple :). Movie Inventor 3, perhaps? And the late Curse of Anubis :P?
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2006, 04:58:31 pm »
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I like the idea, however you still have few material to comment.
And I like the idea of having a HD game, I never cared about HD, but in this case I'm curious to see how will it turn out.
By the way, I don't like your logo, is it temporary?
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2006, 06:38:20 pm »
  • Minalien
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Hrm, the "Sword of Divination" part has a bit of a crappy outline that you might want to get rid of, but other than that it's great.

This sounds like a pretty good idea, and I hope to see it completed. And I say you should go with C++ on it, it's generally more fun than GM ;P
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2006, 06:50:30 pm »
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By the way, I don't like your logo, is it temporary?

I agree :). It totally has to be pixelled. What about the MC beanstalk background :P? It's overused, but still fantastic.
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 06:54:40 pm »
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Actually, the background he made with Terraingen kicks some major ass :P
There's such a double standard about religion in the modern world. Catholics can gather, wear white robes, and say "In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti" and be considered normal.

But if my friends and I gather, wear black robes, and say  "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", we're considered cultists.
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Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 07:19:44 pm »
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Actually, the background he made with Terraingen kicks some major ass :P

I know, but it's just not Zelda! It's not going to work. And the text is ugly, broken transparencies... it just looks crap, IMHO :-\.
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (woo, i...
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 11:28:22 pm »
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the logo itself is probably not temp, as i said above i'm aware that the transparencies are screwed up.  As for the background, i'm not good at pixel art.  If someone wants to attempt to pixel it, by all means go for it and we'll see how it comes out.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (some g...
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2006, 12:54:13 am »
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i've added some info on gameplay.  physics for the win =)

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (new sc...
« Reply #11 on: December 30, 2006, 10:20:46 pm »
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2 new screens, time to bump.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (new sc...
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2006, 10:37:38 pm »
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The 2 screenshots are not good mapping.

And the resolution is 480*272 ?
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (new sc...
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2006, 04:15:25 am »
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you know, i hate it when people come in and say THAT SUCKS FIX! and don't offer any advice...

but yes, it's 480X272 =)

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (new sc...
« Reply #14 on: December 31, 2006, 04:18:42 am »
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Well improve your mapping, put a normal resolution and change that Link, because he doesn't fit at all with M'C style. TRy some new things, customs things. Try to make your game interesting between all those fangames.

"Zelda: The Last Day" (Pause)
D??mo v1.0: [|||||-----] :41%

''The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of time 2D++'' (Pause)
D??mo 1.0 : [++++++||] = 85%
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (new sc...
« Reply #15 on: January 12, 2007, 08:12:09 pm »
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I figure I might as well ask before this goes to the WIP graveyard, what kind of physics would you guys like to see?  See first post for what I have so far.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (HAY! P...
« Reply #16 on: January 12, 2007, 08:52:58 pm »
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Hmm, psychics... telepathy :D. Oh, wait, you asked for physics, not psychics xD.

Anyway, I don't like the Link. As well as not fitting in with the MC-style town, it's been badly recoloured much darker and uglier... disgusting, !@#$%!
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (HAY! P...
« Reply #17 on: January 13, 2007, 07:37:20 am »
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Interesting that you'd want to add physics to the game. The thing is, I see linear/two-dimensional motion working out fine until you get to gravity. Given the perspective of the game, how much gravity could there really be? Also, since vertical proportion is sort of blown out the window, how are you to decide what's a meter, let alone have something accelerate at 9.8m/s2. The way I see it, is that you could get away with the way things traditionally fall in Zelda games, but then you could add in some side-scrolling bits to really give a proper proportion to both dimensions and then be able to adequately portray gravity.

One fun thing that might be fun to do from a side-scrolling perspective is something with cannons. Right there you have yourself some instant projectile motion!

Oh, and BTW, I'm agreeing with cb in that the LttP link doesn't fit. Use the MC one ;).
"They say 'Don't sweat the little things!', but in the end, the little things are all that matter..."
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (HAY! P...
« Reply #18 on: January 13, 2007, 03:47:01 pm »
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well at the moment, the only thing i could figure with gravity is weight.  I'll add that side-scrolling thing though =)

as for the sprites, i'm actually probably gonna end up falling back on lttp style.  I just can't work with these minish cap sprites, they're too complex for me haha.  Plus they'll be harder to edit and create customs.

i love big weenies and i cannot lie
Re: Legend of Zelda: Sword of Divination (HAY! P...
« Reply #19 on: January 13, 2007, 03:59:00 pm »
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well at the moment, the only thing i could figure with gravity is weight.  I'll add that side-scrolling thing though =)

as for the sprites, i'm actually probably gonna end up falling back on lttp style.  I just can't work with these minish cap sprites, they're too complex for me haha.  Plus they'll be harder to edit and create customs.

But they look better :'(.
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